• Liliaaaaaaa     20170413良凌罗听力练习Scientific American译文

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    This amorous jumping spider is romancing his potential mate, but why bother dressing in flamboyant red, if your intended is supposedly color blind.
    New research reveals some spiders have a set of rose colored lenses that let them see their suitors in a different light.
    Most spiders don't have very good eyesight, let alone color vision. But some types like these brightly colored dancing Habronattus spiders see quite well。“And not surprisingly those are the groups of spiders that hunt for a living instead of capturing things in webs. ”
    Nathan Morehouse, University of Cincinnati.
    大部分蜘蛛视力不好,而识别颜色的能力更差。但是一些像Habronattus这种外形鲜艳的跳蛛的视力却很好。辛辛那提大学的Nathan Morehouse说:“正如我们所料,这些视力好的跳蛛是以捕猎为生,而不是通过织网捕食。”
    But good vision doesn't mean color vision.
    Like most spiders, Habronattus spiders have only two types of color receptors in their eyes―green and ultraviolet.

    Scientists didn't think they could distinguish other shades. Morehouse and his colleagues discovered Habronattus spiders have a tiny red lens that sits over some of the green receptors in their retina.
    Those lenses act like rose colored glasses.
    They filter the light, so those cells only ever receive red light giving H the ability to distinguish reds, oranges and yellows from green and it means that exhibited vivid colors during the mating dance isn't wasted on its audience.
    Scientists still don't know why these spiders evolved this super vision.
    It might make prey easier to spot among the vines and sands of their habitat or help spiders avoid poisonous morsels.
    And why the males put on such a song and dance routine is another question. Are they proving superior genetic quality or are they hypnotizing the female so she doesn't strike.
    For spiders, the dating game has high stakes. Some spiders are cannibals,and with the wrong move this male might end up a snack.
    “And so these males are really dancing for their lives. There's a real premium on them getting this right. ”
    This hapless spider failed to impress.
    But since he avoided being a romantic dinner
    perhaps he got off easy.

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