• 游子无戏     Kona -- 极寒深林

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    About This Game
    October 1970. W. Hamilton, a rich industrialist who owns a hunting manor in Northern Canada, reports several cases of vandalism perpetrated against his property. Unable to find out who dared to commit these acts, Hamilton calls Carl Faubert, a renowned private detective to handle the affair.
    In Kona, Carl becomes trapped up in the deep north, engulfed in an unexpected snowstorm, and is unable to find his client —or any other living inhabitant for that matter. The player incarnated detective Faubert, who must shed light on the mysterious events befalling the area

    1970年10月, W. Hamilton. 一个富有工厂主,报告了几件有人破坏他的领地财产的案件,当时他在北加拿大拥有一个狩猎场。他无法找到是谁做的坏事,于是请来了著名私人侦探Carl Faubert 来处理这件事
    在Kona, Carl 深陷于茫茫的北方地域,被一场突然的暴风雪吞没,无法找到他的客户,或者哪怕其他周边的居民。玩家扮演Carl Faubert, 他必须让这片土地上的一个个谜团大白于亮光之下...

    >> shot information: 猎取,收集信息
    >> vandalism: 故意破坏他人财产的行为
    >> write home: 给家里写信
    >> rough roads: 崎岖不平的路
    >> go a bundle (on): 非常喜爱sth/doing sth
    >> cloak: 给…披斗篷, 隐藏;掩盖,掩饰;包藏;伪装
    >> hunting manor: 狩猎园
    >> befalling: 降临,发生

    1970-01-01   17赞       5踩       7159浏览 评论(6)
男 中级龙套lv7


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