• 从庭菲Vanessa     ♪Tongue Twister(神曲舌头体操)♪Toronto Tabla Ensemble

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    周末闲来无事,吃多了之余,想想要不来段肚皮舞扭一扭减减脂(哈哈哈哈),遂翻出压箱底的收藏(收藏的时候还不知道啥是魔方秀)。众所周知,这个舞蹈的最高境界是用身体舞动节奏,在老师用超级玛丽都能跳肚皮舞的启发下,我当年误打误撞的找到了Toronto Tabla Ensemble【多伦多手鼓合奏团】。这首是凸显纯人声的合奏。哈哈哈,我不做成段子太对不起你们了!



    介绍一下原创团体:Toronto Tabla Ensemble【多伦多手鼓合奏团】

    The Toronto Tabla Ensemble (TTE) is a non-profit charitable organization founded by Artistic Director and tabla master Ritesh Das. The performing ensemble has toured Canada coast-to-coast six times, toured Australia in 2006, and India in 2011.

    Since 1996 the TTE has produced three music videos and six albums, including Firedance, which received a nomination for the Juno Award for Best Global Album. Their original music has been used in numerous films and commercials, and in 2003 the Ensemble was commissioned to create the theme music for CBC Radio’s daily morning show, Metro Morning.


    1970-01-01   65赞       1踩       2834浏览 评论(23)
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