• 韩雪Cecilia     娱乐没有圈S02E01:荒野求生那点事儿

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》





    As a man standing on the top of the food chain, Bear Grylls is planning on tricking Chinese celebrities again, this time it’s Yao Min and Fu Yuan hui who were invited to the adventure.

    作为“过来人”,今天Cecilia和你一起聊聊“荒野求生”的各种必备技能吧!As an experienced person who had been through the wild, today we will talk about some of the most important skills to survive in the wild nature.


    ✋【要点一】Sending out message for help

    最近很热门的冒险电影《鲨滩》,由《绯闻女孩》的Queen S主演。医学院毕业的她独自来到陌生海滩冲浪,却被鲨鱼困在了一个离岸200码的礁石上。The Shallows tells a thrilling story about a surfer Nancy is attacked by a great white shark, with her short journey to safety, a mere 200 yards to the shore, becoming the ultimate test of wills.


    凭借自己的医学常识、冷静的头脑和顽强的意志,最终战胜鲨鱼逃出生天。而其中最重要的转机,就是她用运动相机录下的一段求救信号。She battled through the stranded situation with her sufficient medical common sense, a calm mindset and a surviving will, in the end she defeated the killer shark, the most noticing turning point is the message for help sent out by a GoPro Camera.

    When encountered calamity, it is vital to get help, using every possible resources to send out message for help, if possible, the exact date/location/health condition/leftovers should be included in the message.


    ✋【要点二】Looking for water



    A young man who survives a disaster at sea is hurtled into an epic journey of adventure and discovery. While cast away, floating on a boat, he faces the lack of food and fresh water, it’s the constant reminder of the surviving will and the strategic planning, leads him to safety in the end.当少年和猛虎面对无尽的海洋时,除了孤独和恐惧,最大的挑战就是缺少食物和淡水,正是求生的本能和冷静的计划行动,才得以令他们在饿死渴死之前,终于登陆获救。

    Food and fresh water, these two are the most important basic elements to survive a harsh condition, you need to keep your body physically fit, or at least metabolically well before the rescue arrives.


    ✋【要点三】Creating living condition

    由影帝汤姆汉克斯主演的《荒岛余生》简直就是一部荒野求生百科书,为我们提供了大量的专业求生知识。Cast Away, Tom Hanks' Academy Award nominated for Best Actor motion picture, tells a story about a man is marooned on an island after his plane crashed into the ocean. 因飞机事故不幸只身荒岛的汤姆汉克斯,必须为生存去奋斗,最终察克凭借自己的知识和智慧在荒岛上生存了下来。


    Far away from home, his girlfriend, and any human contact, he engages in a battle of wits with himself as he is tested mentally, physically and emotionally in order to survive. This movie is more like an encyclopedia of how to survive in the wild, with vivid depictions of professional techniques, almost feeling like we're taking a lesson on surviving.

    The major difference between human and animal, is that men can use tools and make fire. When you were stranded in the wild, making fire/farming/crafting weapons and even entertaining are all the requisite skills.


    ✋【要点四】Keeping the faith



    If you’ve ever been through that lost in space experience with the heroine of Gravity, you would probably still feel that suffocating helplessness. No direction/ No air/ No water/ No nothing that you familiar with, the fear of death has pervaded it all. But keeping the faith has gain heroine the strength and hope, and eventually made her way back to earth. 曾经想放弃生命的女主角,却始终守着生的希望,并最终回到了地球怀抱。

    The will to survive is the foundation of it all.
    There’re many ways to fight fear and loneliness. Thinking about your families/ writing diaries/ talking to someone/singing everyone once in a while, these are all good methods of keeping a wholesome mentality.
    Do not give up, because everything will be just fine.





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