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    • from:《未知》

    列车行驶区 train movement area
    请与车站工作人员联系 please contact station staff
    上海轨道交通公共安全知识馆 Shanghai Metro Public Safety Museum
    洗漱处 wash basin
    前方雾区 foggy area ahead
    前方驶入京张高速公路 you are entering the Jingzhang highway
    欢迎行驶唐津高速 welcome to Tangjing highway
    前方收费站 Toll Gate Ahead
    事故多发路段 Accident Area
    (停车场入口)各种车辆 取卡入场 计时收费 Entrance Toll parking lot. All vehicles please stop for parking card.
    小心站台间隙 Mind The Gap
    小车忌超速 大车靠右行 Passenger car : No speeding. Trucks: Please keep right.
    请由中步行道进出 Please use the middle passageway.
    减价证件无效 reduced fare ID invalid
    过往车辆 休息行人 Vehicles : Please Watch Out For Pedestrians.
    请刷卡 Please touch your card.
    规划1路 Guihua 1st Road
    空乘出租车 小公共汽车 禁止驶入 No access for minibuses an taxis without passengers.
    三环路 3rd Ring Road
    连续弯路上坡 请谨慎驾驶 Curves and Steep Incline Ahead. Please drive carefully.
    请您自觉接受安检 Please go through security check.
    禁止装载汽油,农药等危险污染物货车通行 No access for trucks carrying dangerous or corrosive goods,including gasoline and chemicals.
    收费标准fee standard of part
    小型车 passenger cars 大型车 large vehicles 夜间时段 night time 价格举报电话(价格咨询服务热线) price hotline
    北京市发展和改革委员会监制 Supervised by Beijing Development and Reform Committe
    停车换币处 parking lot coin change
    请驾驶员自觉遵守车场规定 Please observe car park regulations.
    西餐厅 western-style restaurant
    方便面 instant noodle 挂面 noodle
    无糖食品 sugarless food 冷冻食品 frozen food 无烟 smoke-free shop
    曲奇派 Cookies
    营业时间 Business hours
    北京烤鸭 Peking Roast Duck
    24岁生日快乐 have a happy 24th birthday
    柴氏削面 CHAI'S NOODLE
    阿根廷烤肉餐厅 Argentinean Grill Restaurant
    快乐堤岸美食广场 Happy Embankment Food Square
    西点军校 West Point 西点(商店)Cookies
    谢绝自带食物 No outside food allowed.
    今日特餐 Today's Special
    请把熄灭的烟头扔进垃圾桶 Please throw the extinguished cigarette into the trash can.
    如遇地震,火灾,请不要使用电梯 In case of fires or earthquakes , do not use the lift.
    游客止步 No Entry
    有电危险 Danger! High Voltage.
    我们对于所带来的不便表示抱歉 We regret the inconvenience.
    烟酒茶行Tobacco Beverages Tea
    精品烟酒茶famous tobacco liquor and tea
    免费提供百事可乐Free Pepsi Cola Available No Purchase Required
    成人保健 Sex Shop
    马坊药店 Mafang Pharmacy
    放心消费在东城 维权服务在身边 Shop With Confidence In Dongcheng we are here to protect your rights
    客用电梯lift 贴心提示 reminder请在所持停车卡上记录下停车的具体楼层,车位号,以便查询 please write down your parking space details on your parking card
    中国象棋 Chinese chess
    土特产超市 local specialities supermarket
    How can we mke your next stay more unforgettable
    太平洋百货提醒您 Pacific department store notice
    本电梯停靠……this elevator stops at all floors from B2 to 5F
    温馨提示 notice 别忘了您的随身物品please don't forget your belongings
    贵重物品请妥善保管please take care of your belongings
    足道 foot care
    高级扑克 superior grade playing cards
    慕雨健身 mu yu gym
    20年的经典歌声 20 years of classics
    商场客梯 stairs to market
    无烟商城 no smoking
    前往星巴克请走正门to starbucks please use other door
    热线hotline 购物中心 shopping center
    北京欢迎你welcome to Beijing
    售票时间已过 停止入馆 ticket sales ended ,no admission
    唐山抗震纪念馆 Tangshan earthquake memorial
    Work site , please take care, we apologize for the inconvenience
    保护古迹,请勿刻画 protect relics , no scratching
    请勿停留 no loitering
    轨道滑车入口 rail car
    请维护景区卫生no littering
    请勿践踏草坪 小草微微笑 请您旁边绕 Keep off the lawn
    请按顺序参观 please queue to visit
    雷雨天气 禁用手机 do not use cellphone during thunderstorms
    北岳衡山游览示意图 beiyue hengshan sketch map
    请勿入内 违者罚款do not enter , violators will be fined
    自觉排队 安全第一 safety first , stand in line please为了您和他人的健康,请勿随地吐痰,不要乱扔废弃物 for a healthier environment, please don't spitting or littering
    步行街 pedestration street
    预防火灾,请勿吸烟 prevent fire , no smoking 果园orchard
    由此返回this way to return
    前方施工,请您绕行 work site ahead , please reroute
    ……,请勿靠近 please stay away
    某某国家人聚集的地方 China town Italian town
    儿童在此玩耍须有大人陪同 children playing here must be accompanied by an adult
    全巷禁止停放机动车 no parking throughout the entire alley 保持消防通道畅通do not block fire engine access 交通大队traffic management team 交通安全委员会 traffic safety Committe

    1970-01-01   18赞       1踩       465浏览 评论(7)
女 中级配角lv27


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