• 倔小牛     看国民男神在外交部现场发言的翻译,这口译听力水平也是没谁了!

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》









    Let me just give you one example. Four days after President Xi visited Iran in January, the first freight train ran on the Yiwu-Teheran railway. And this created a cost-effective channel of transportation for over 70,000 businesses in Yiwu, creating more business opportunities and better profits for them.


    Three years is a good time to take stock of what we have achieved in China’s diplomacy. Simply put, we are on the path to major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.


    In the past three years, President Xi has made over 20 overseas visits. He flew enough miles to circle the globe 10 times. And everywhere he went, he created a strong Chinese whirlwind. Today, China has ever higher international standing, and wherever Chinese people go, they can hold their head high.


    China’s diplomacy is not just high-flying, it’s also down-to-earth. 😌😉😊

    王毅:中国恕不奉陪 看谁才是真正的主人


    People talk a lot about militarization. I think China cannot be accused of militarization. This label is more suited to some other countries.


    The Nansha Islands are integral part of China's territory. Every Chinese has obligation to defend them.


    Navigation freedom does not mean "doing whatever you want" in South China Sea. If someone wants to muddy the waters in the South China Sea and tode stabilize Asia, China will not agree to it and I think the majority of countries in the region will not allow that to happen.


    The Philippines’ stubbornness is clearly the behind-the-scenes instigation and political maneuvering. This so-calledarbitration has become tainted and goneastray. And China is not going to humorit.


    Some people are trying to make waves (in the South China Sea) and some others are showing their forces... History will prove who is merely a guest and who is the real host.




    China both values friendship and stands on principles. We cherish our traditional bonds with the DPRK. If the country seeks development and security, we are prepared to help and provide support. But at the same time, we have anunwavering commitment to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and we will not accommodate the DPRK's pursuit of nuclear andmissile programs. One should see very clearly that only denuclearization could bring peace, only dialogue could provide a way out and only cooperation can bring win-win outcomes.


    Sanctions are just a necessary means, maintaining stability is the pressingpriority, and only negotiation could provide a fundamental solution.




    On one hand, the Japanese government and leaders say all the nice things about wanting to improve relations, but on the other hand, they are making trouble for China at every turn. This is what I would call a typical case of "double dealing".


    As far as China-Japan relations are concerned, the underlying problem is that some politicians in Japan have the wrong perception about China. Do they view China as a friend or foe? As apartner or an adversary? The Japanese side should give serious thought to this question and make the right choice.



    China and the US are two major countries, and there is both cooperation and friction. This might be a normal state of affairs.


    China is not the United States, and China will not and can not become the United States. We have no intention to displace anybody, or dominate anybody.



    The China-Russia relationship is mature and stable. Our comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination is built on a solid foundation of mutual support andmutual trust. The two sides have a strong desire to strengthen win-win cooperation. The relationship can pass the test of any international development and will not be weakened by any particular incidents.



    China's policy on the Middle East is tofacilitate peace talks with an objective and impartial attitude, instead of seeking a sphere of influence or proxies.



    Positive changes in the China-Europe relations are not a temporaryphenomenon but an inevitable choice in the long run.


    We will try to break new ground from three new angles: first we want to discover new sources of growth for innovation, second, we want to inject new momentum to the world economy through reform, and third, we want to explore new prospects through development.


    Hangzhou will be a new launch pad of G20, and China will be a new launch pad for the world economy.



    To be honest, our resources and tools are limited and our capacity not yet up to the task.


    The best approach is prevention beforehand rather than remedyafterwards, so we will focus more on preventative consular protection.



    The Belt and Road Initiative is China's idea, but the opportunities it has created belong to the world.


    1970-01-01   39赞       1踩       4595浏览 评论(13)
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