• PA.♥Granger♥     就算你是哈利波特迷,你也不一定知道这些幕后花絮哦

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    来来来,快来测一测自己对哈利波特的疯狂程度~~~如果你知道以下关于哈利波特的fun facts,那你就是标准的哈迷啦~~~

    1. The least successful Harry Potter film made $90 million more than the most successful Twilight movie…


    2. Moaning Myrtle, in the Harry Potter series is actually 46 years old woman!

    哈利波特电影哭泣的桃金娘实际上46岁!而扮演者桃金娘的Shirley Henderson恰好也是46岁!

    3. J.K. Rowling says the idea of Harry Potter just “strolled into her head” during a four-hour train delay.



    6. Daniel Radcliffe was nicknamed “Harry Puffer” by his “Harry Potter” co-stars for having the so-called “20-a-day cigarette habit.”

    在片场,大家都叫Daniel “Harry Puffer”,因为他烟瘾太大了

    7. J.K. Rowling considered killing Ron Weasley in the middle of the “Harry Potter”series, but eventually decided to let him live.


    8. All the books in Dumbledore's office in the Harry Potter movies are just the Yellow Pages rebound to look old.


    9. Maggie Smith (Professor McGonagall) battled cancer while filming the last Harry Potter movie because she didn’t want to disappoint fans. She was battling breast cancer, luckily she made a full recovery.


    10. The dementors in Harry Potter were meant to symbolize J.K. Rowling’s depression.



    11. Hogwarts headache is a medical term used for headache due to spending many hours reading an unusually long volume such as Harry Potter. The pain lasts one day or two after finishing the book.

    “Hogwarts headache”其实是一个医学术语。它用来描述在看完长篇史诗巨作后患有的头痛症状。这种症状一般持续一到两天。

    1970-01-01   20赞       0踩       601浏览 评论(4)
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