• £蓝色╃风铃彡小号     (七)荣耀时刻!北京获冬奥会举办权

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    • from:《北京获2022年冬奥会主办权》


    Beijing has become the first city to host both Summer and Winter Olympic Games after beating Kazakhstan’s Almaty to hold the 2022 Winter Olympics.

    July 31, Following a closed-door vote by International Olympic Committee (IOC) members, President Thomas Bach announced that Beijing is the winner of 2022 Winter Olympics during the 128th IOC Session in Kuala Lumpur on Friday afternoon. Beijing won 44 nods against Almaty’s 40 in the voting.

    2022 Winter OlympicsThe choice of Beijing as host of the 2022 Winter Olympics over Kazakhstan’s Almaty was a solid vote for the tried and tested, and the financial and organizational security of China.

    BeijingBeijing was seen by the IOC as a safe, reliable choice that also offered vast commercial opportunities in a new winter sports market of more than 300 million people in northern China.

    China winThe victory over long-shot Kazakhstan was a nod to China’s rocket-fast rise as a global powerhouse, giving the most populous nation another shot at welcoming the most-watched sporting event in the world.中国击败哈萨克斯坦,再次赢得了世界上最受瞩目的体育赛事举办权,也再次向世界证明了中国迅速上升的世界强国地位。


    啥时候蹦出这张图片?不管了,我表弟,八个月 @_@

    1970-01-01   25赞       0踩       798浏览 评论(7)
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