• Serena_NANA     Serena来说说英语的听说读写(1)

    • So I went to read English books.

    • 于是我去阅读英语书籍。

    • from:《成长教育》

    Hello 大家好我是Serena 上一次分享了一个怎样提高口语的讲解 大家有问怎样提高整体的英语 现在我就从听说读写一一讲解吧 希望可以帮助到你们 这一个讲解先说听 之后后续更新 谢谢大家不嫌弃

    Hello everybody it's Serena. So last time somebody mentioned

    that it would be good if I could do this whole sharing thingie in English. And I was like 'yeah why not'? To be honest, it's actually a bit challenging for me. Because I have never done anything like this before and I was so scared that I would make heaps of mistakes. But then I thought, it didn't really matter cuz we all make mistakes. Hopefully it would be a great session tho. 😘


    提高听力 自然就的听 听很多资料 radio啊 看美剧英剧啊 听英语的program啊 etc.


    It is well recognised that listening, writing, speaking and reading

    are the four basic skills for language learning. I will be discussing how to improve our listening skills in this part. I reckon that listening to heaps English programs is an imperative element in improving listening skills. Or in other words, to be able to understand when people are talking in English. Listening to radios is definitely one of the most effective way to learn. Don't call it old-fashioned, cuz I still listen to radios every day haha. And watching American/ English dramas is another method I would recommend, cuz you learn English while you're having fun. I even watch 'TED' talks and listen to other famous speeches whenever I'm free so ask yourself, is it because English is so hard that you can't handle it. Or it's because you haven't tried your best yet.




    最后 我来说说我认为练英语听力最好的apps
    1⃣ BBC English
    2⃣ UK radios
    3⃣ ABC news
    4⃣ TED
    5⃣ 扇贝听力
    6⃣ 卷福英伦之声
    如果你们有用觉得很好的软件已可以分享哦 谢谢大家看完 晚安❤️


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