• EE英语课堂❤️     英美书写不一样(英音VS美音)

    • My government will continue with its long-term plan

    • 政府将根据长期计划

    • from:《英女王2015议会演讲》

    1. 英音美音之间的异曲同工之处
    BE AE
    饼干 biscuit cookie
    创可贴 plaster band-aid
    薯片 crisps chips
    足球 football soccer
    运动鞋 trainers sneakers
    套头外衣 jumper sweater
    长裤 trousers pants
    (注意:pants在英式英语中表示内裤 而美式英语中的内裤是underpants)
    手机 mobile phone cellphone
    公寓 flat apartment
    屁股 back side ass
    逆时针 anticlockwise counterclockwise
    腰包 fanny pack bum bag
    壁橱 cupboard closet
    (注意:美式英语中cupboard表示厨房,英国有个成语是 a skeleton in the cupboard用来表示家丑)
    私立学校 public school private school
    公立学校 council school public school

    BE AE
    metre centre theatre meter center theater
    labour honour colour labor honor color
    catalogue dialogue catalog dialog
    analyse analyze
    cheque check
    defence defense
    install instal
    programme program
    tyre tire
    speciality specialty
    jewellery jewelry
    plough plow (犁)

    【chew the fat】We chewed the fat for a while and then went out to eat.胃口真好,嚼完肥肉还要再出去吃饭?错了。它的意思闲聊;唠嗑。有人说这是因为喝酒吃肉聊天,所以有了这个词。其实这个词最早指19世纪驻印英军军官听人诉苦打发无聊。美国人说chew the rag嚼布头,或许指妇女缝纫时爱聊天。

    【吃货必备口语】 吃点东西 have something to eat;主食 staple food;咀嚼 chew;吞咽 swallow;吃得太多 overeat;吃得很少 eat like a bird;随便吃几口垫垫肚子 grab a bite;节食 be on a diet;绝食 be on a hunger strike;pig out 狼吞虎咽;我吃饱了 I've had enough/I'm full.

    【给力英语短句】1.Done! 做好了!2.Peace out! 再见!3.Listen up! 你给我听清楚!4.Fight back! 反击回去!5.Not really! 不见得!6.You bet! 当然啊!7.Move it! 快点! 8.Do tell! 快告诉我!9.Separate checks. 分开算。10.Yes indeed! 的确是!11.Super duper!超级赞!12.Nothing wrong!没啥问题!

    【开车词汇】1.highway code交通法规;2.traffic sign交通标志;3.accelerate加速;4.brake刹车;5.engage the clutch接上离合器;6.change gear变速;7.start up起动;8.decelerate减速;9.top speed最高速度;10.speed limit限速;11.park停车;12.switch off the motor熄火。

    【NO字开头的短语】1.No cross, no crown:不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹;2.No admittance:请勿入内;3.No touching! 别碰;4.No Parking! 禁止停车;5.No offence!没有冒犯你的意思!6.No response:没反应;7.No comment:无可奉告;8.no doubt:毫无疑问;9.No farther!好了!够了

    【英雄所见略同】 1.How true!千真万确2.Well said. 说得好;3.You got it.你算说对了;4.You bet.没错;5.That`s for sure.那是当然;6.That`s true.正是如此;7.You`re right.你说得对;8.Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。

    【“不确定”时,如何回应?】 1.It's hard to say. 很难说。 2.I don't know for sure.我不是很确定。 3.It's not clear. 事情还未明朗。 4.I have no idea.我不知道。 5.It's up in the air.这还尚未确定。 6.It's not certain. 还不确定。 7.It hasn't been decided yet. 还没有决定呢。

    【听来耳熟】 Doggy bag. 打包袋;That rings a bell. 听来耳熟;Sleeping on both ears. 睡的香;Play hooky. 旷工、旷课;I am the one wearing pants in the house. 我当家;It’s up in the air. 尚未确定;Get cold feet. 害怕做某事。

    【饮食类词汇】 Salt black bean豆鼓;Dried fish鱼干;Sea vegetable or Sea weed海带;Green bean绿豆;Red Bean红豆;Black bean黑豆;Red kidney bean大红豆;Dried black mushroom冬菇;Pickled mustard-green酸菜;Silk noodles粉丝;Agar-agar燕菜;Rice-noodle米粉;Star anise八角

    【各种甜品的表达】 1.chocolate bar 巧克力条;2. lollipop 棒棒糖;3. egg tart 蛋挞;4. brownie 布朗尼;5.cotton candy 棉花糖;6. candy cane 拐杖糖;7. mooncake 月饼;8. macaroon 马卡龙;9. fudge 牛奶软糖;10. jello 果冻;11. tapioca milk tea 珍珠奶茶。

    【各种笑法】 1. burst into laughter 突然大笑;2. crack a smile 展颜微笑,莞尔一笑;3. force a smile 强作欢颜;4. explode with laughter 哄堂大笑;5. grin with delight 高兴的咧嘴而笑;6. in stitches 忍俊不禁;7. laugh it off 一笑而过;8. burst out laughing 突然笑起来

    【拿某人出气】 1.take it out on sb.拿某人出气;2.follow in one's footsteps. 以某人为榜样/步某人后尘;3.put the word out 让每个人知道/放出话来;4.Take it or leave it .谢绝还价;5.Over my dead body. 休想;6.Good one.说得好/做得好;7.revoke one's license.吊销某人的执照

    【老龄社会】 老年人:senior citizens/the elderly;退休:retirement;退休金:pension;养老保险:endowment insurance;老龄化社会:aging society;计划生育:family planning;低出生率:low birth rate;空巢综合症:empty nest syndrome;孝顺:filial piety;孝子:dutiful son;长寿:longevity

    【紧张】I'm a little bit jumpy. 我有点紧张。| He got all hot and bothered before the date. 约会前他特紧张。| Please don't be alarmed. 别惊慌。[可怜] | She's got ants in her pants. 她坐立不安的。| The movie was a real nail-biter. 电影情节很紧张。| Take it easy. 别紧张。

    【嘲笑的英文表达】 taunt嘲笑;讽刺;奚落;sarcasm讽刺,嘲笑,挖苦;backhanded compliment讽刺挖苦的恭维话;tease戏弄,逗弄;取笑;barb尖刻伤人的话,讽刺;derision嘲笑;嘲弄;gibe嘲讽话,嘲弄话,嘲笑话;jeer嘲笑;奚落人的话;mockery嘲笑,讥笑;嘲弄;ridicule嘲笑,嘲弄;戏弄;laughing stock笑柄

    婚姻。1. Propose 求婚;2. Pop the question 求婚;3. Get engaged 订婚;4. Set a date 定日子;5. Get married/tie the knot 结婚;6. Infidelity 出轨;7. One night stand 一夜情;8. have an affair/ cheat on sb 有外遇;9. Separate/divorce/get divorced 离婚;10. Alimony 赡养费

    【易误解的短语】1. busybody 爱管闲事的人;2. personal remark 人身攻击;3. eleventh hour 最后时刻;4. dry goods 纺织品,谷物;5. an apple of love 西红柿;6. confidence man 骗子;7. rest room 厕所;8. horse sense 常识;9. dead president 美钞;10. have a fit 勃然大怒;

    【跟"数字"有关的短语】1.be of two minds 三心二意;犹豫不定;2.put two and two together 根据事实推理;3.kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕;3.forty winks 打盹;白天小睡;4.on cloud nine 极其快乐;5.in seventh heaven 处于狂喜状态中;6.at the eleventh hour 在最后一刻;

    【“胖”词汇】1.fat 胖的;2.corpulent 肥胖的;3.plump 圆胖的;4.chubby 丰满的;5.flabby 肌肉不结实的;6.big-boned 魁梧的;7.bulky 庞大的;8.chunky 矮胖的;9.tubby 肥胖的;10.dumpy 矮胖的;11.heavy-set 敦实的;12.stout 粗壮结实的;13.obese 过度肥胖的;14.overweight 超重的;

    Too much for today
    see u next time

    1970-01-01   96赞       1踩       5384浏览 评论(43)
女 影后lv57


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