• kynch.     【讲故事】Harry Potter and the Little Prince

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    "Harry Potter and the Portrait of what Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash"


    就是把整套哈利波特输入进去 让AI自己学写作 然后用“预测键盘”的方法写下来

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    "Harry dipped Hermione in hot sauce"

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    Harry Potter knew that the only way to get a good night’s sleep would be to spend it dreaming about his favourite person. But his dreams didn’t stay that way. In truth, the only way for Harry to get the dreamy quality that he needed was to get very drunk. After all, drinking was only really useful if you knew that the other person was going to be able to see you when you opened your mouth.


    “It’s the night before the first day… ” he groaned at his reflection on the bed. His reflection was in the pale black robes, black glasses, gold rings, and thickly-puffed black boots he was wearing. He sighed and turned away from his bedroom to the wall where he had been sleeping for a few hours. It was as white as the wall behind him; and the only illumination was from the pale, night sky overhead.

    “明天就是第一天了……” 哈利看到自己在床上的影子,呻吟了一下。他的影子像他一样,穿着黑色袍子,带着黑色眼镜,金色戒指,和(??反正是双很奇怪的)黑色靴子。他叹了口气,从他的卧室转过身去,面向一面墙。他前几个小时一直在那面墙上睡觉。这面墙和他身后的那面墙一样白。唯一的亮光来自于他头顶上暗淡的夜晚的天空。

    “No matter what I get drunk and do, I’m still going to dream about you,” Harry thought. “You know… you know how it is with boys.” He smiled a little and got up to go find a bottle of whiskey. He and turned the corner stopped by the bathroom. In front of the toilet, stood a naked man in black robes.

    “不管我喝醉了之后做些什么,我还是会梦到你”,哈利想着,“你知道,男孩子都这样。” 他笑着,从床上起来去找威士忌。拐过墙角,他在厕所前停了下来。马桶前面站着一个穿着黑色袍子的裸体男人。

    “Oh.” Harry felt an overwhelming urge to run away.

    “哦。” 哈利很想离开这个地方。

    “Harry, do you remember what we said when we were arguing with the Weasley twins? ‘Look at us, we’re going to get married, and then you’ll tell us to shove our face into a brick or something?’ Well, we were right, they did shove our face into bricks. But we won’t shove our face into anything else. So we’re going to be careful.” The man in black robes chuckled to himself.

    “哈利,你还记得我们和韦斯莱双胞胎争论的时候说了什么吗?‘看,我们要结婚了,然后你难道要让我们把自己的脸按进一块砖头里吗?’ 我们说的没错,他们确实把我们的脸按进了砖头里。但我们不会把自己的脸按进任何东西里了。我们要非常谨慎。” 穿着黑色袍子的人笑着说。

    Harry stared at the man in the robe in disbelief. “Headmaster? Do you know where I’m going?”


    “You’re going to the Great Hall of Hogwarts. You’ll remember it,” the Headmaster said, “I am so glad you are here. I have been looking forward to seeing you.”

    “你要去霍格沃茨礼堂。你会记得的,” 校长说,“我很高兴你在这里。我一直很期待与你见面。”


    Harry was surprised to see that the Headmaster was wearing his normal robes, but he knew he was not the only one. He had seen the Headmaster wearing his robes before, but he had never seen him in his usual attire. Harry wondered if the Headmaster was the Headmaster. He wondered if he had been a little too friendly with the Headmaster earlier. “Excuse me Headmaster, but would you mind explaining how you ended up here?”


    “I am sorry, but I had to go get Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived,” the Headmaster replied. He looked very tired, but it did not matter.

    “抱歉,但我需要找到哈利波特和大难不死的男孩。” 校长说。他看起来很累,但这没关系。

    Harry was surprised to see that the Headmaster had a boy in his arms, and the boy looked at him with his eyes wide open.


    “Please, Headmaster,” Harry said, “I can’t believe it.”

    “校长,” 哈利说,“我简直不敢相信。”

    The Headmaster looked at the boy in his arms, and he looked very confused. “Who are you?” the Headmaster asked.

    校长看着怀里的男孩,很疑惑。“你是谁???” 校长问。

    The young boy looked up at the Headmaster, his green eyes bright and blue hair unruly. “I’m a Gryffindor, remember?” he replied.

    男孩抬头看着校长,他有着明亮的绿眼睛和乱糟糟的蓝头发。“我是个小🦁,你不记得了吗?” 他说。

    “Yes. You’re going to a Gryffindor camp. You are going to have a few adventures and maybe do a lot of fun, but first you have to find out what’s inside Hogwarts.” The Headmaster grinned. “Now, off you go!” The boy in grey robes disappeared.

    “对,你要去一个格兰芬多营地。你会经历一些历险,可能会很有趣,但首先,你要去看看霍格沃茨里面有什么。” 校长微笑着说。“你现在走吧!” 穿着灰色袍子的男孩消失了。

    Harry thought to himself, ‘What the hell is going on?’ Harry was still shaken up when the Headmaster spoke again.

    哈利想,“这都发生了什么?(same Harry, same)” 校长继续说话时,哈利还是被吓到了。

    “Now then. Yes, Harry, you are the Boy Who Lived. I am sorry you will not be joining us in the afterlife. I am very sorry, Harry.”


    Harry was very afraid.


    “I am not a Death Eater, Headmaster. I am a man who is trying to save people from their lives. I would never harm people, and I would never do what you are doing,” Harry said.

    “我不是个食死徒,校长。我是个想要救人的人。我不会伤害任何人,更不会做你做的事的。” 哈利说。

    “I know this is very difficult for you,” the Headmaster said, “but I have to ask you something, Harry. Do you know how to use magic?”

    “我知道这对你来说很困难,” 校长说,“但我必须问你一件事,哈利。你会用魔法吗?”

    Harry’s face was very red. He knew he wasn’t supposed to answer this question, but he knew that he couldn’t deny that he did.


    “I am not a wizard, Headmaster. I can neither fly nor do things. I am a Human.”


    “Hmmm,” the Headmaster smiled, “well we won’t know until tomorrow.” Harry looked really frightened.

    “嗯……” 校长笑了,“我们明天就知道了。” 哈利看着很害怕。

    Harry took out a scroll from his robes and said, “In short, can’t do any of that shit unless you have magic training. I can’t give you a wand, either.”


    “Oh, I know, Harry,” the Headmaster laughed, “It’s just a little too dangerous to do that.” Harry felt his chest tighten in embarrassment. The Headmaster laughed again, and again.

    “哦,我知道,哈利。” 校长笑出了声,“那有点太危险了。” 哈利感到他的胸膛绷紧了,觉得很难堪。校长一次又一次的笑了。

    And so began Harry’s first real year at Hogwarts, and the year of him being killed.


    (我翻译的好累 不过笑死我了哈哈哈哈哈)

    credits: https://botnik.org/harry-potter-and-the-little-prince-chapter-1/

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