• EE英语课堂❤️     一些加分的说法

    • What does that say?

    • 这上写的什么?

    • from:《爆裂鼓手》

    由于用手机打字不方便 每次检查不够仔细 小E有不对的欢迎大家指出

    一般表达 意思 加分表达
    lots of 大量 loads of/piles of/tons of
    finish 结束 wrap it up
    there are so many大量出现 ...are sprouting up all over...
    easy 容易 It's a piece of cake=it's a snap/breeze
    painful 痛苦的 grueling
    go to bed 去睡觉 turn in(洗洗睡吧)
    make trouble 制造麻烦 make waves
    waste time 浪费时间 idle one's time away
    expensive 贵 pricey
    fashionable 时尚的 trendy/stylish
    good taste 上档次的 classy/upscale
    bad products 次品 rubbish (BrE) trash (ArE)
    sit in the sun 晒太阳 catch some rays
    old 老的 worn-out/ beat-up
    huge 巨大的 enormous/gigantic
    famous person 名人 celebrity
    fat 胖的 overweight
    honest 直率的 straightforward/candid
    strong 强壮的 well-built/ well-proportioned
    polite 礼貌的 well-mannered
    funny 搞笑的 hilarious
    tired 累的 wiped-out/worn-out/bushed
    rich 有钱的 wealthy/affluent
    like and dislike 爱恨交加 have mixed feelings about
    can't decide 无法决定 be torn between A and B
    sad 悲伤 in low spirits/blue /down
    boring 枯燥的 It's a drag
    feel afraid 害怕 get cold feet
    cold 冷 chilly有点冷/freezing很冷的/frigid严寒的
    cloudy 阴天的 overcast
    hot 热 scorching
    big 宽敞的 spacious
    narrow 狭小的 cramped
    messy 混乱的 cluttered
    quiet 安静的 peaceful/tranquil/serene
    clean 干净的 tidy/spotless
    ugly 丑的 it's an eyesore/ it's hideous
    dirty 脏的 filthy
    old 历史悠久的 time-honored
    delicious 好吃的 yummy/tasty/scrumptious/out of this world

    rip sb off 买东西被骗了 大部分人喜欢用cheat
    sleep in 睡懒觉
    brush up on 突击复习 我以前在CCTV news里听过这样一句话 hugging the Buddha's leg at the last minute!
    wind down 相当于 relax
    can never hurt/won't hurt 不会有坏处的
    ease your mind/ release pressure释放压力
    walk one's dog遛狗
    soak up 吸收
    comparison shopping货比三家
    公寓 flat (BrE) apartment (ArE)

    tug of war/rope-pulling 拔河
    rubber-band jumping 跳橡皮筋
    riddle games猜谜游戏
    hide and seek 捉迷藏
    playing marbles玩弹子球
    puzzles 拼图游戏
    board games棋类游戏

    For your reference only

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