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    • Diamonds, brilliant, and Bel-Air now

    • 金迷纸醉,靡靡奢华

    • from:《Young And Beautiful》


    小E今天心情好 给大家分享一点知识希望可以帮助到大家。
    1. 如果别人老是跟你唠叨, 你可能会说 You are so boring 或者 shut up 但是这样会让人受不了
    你要是说 Come on, give me a break 这样表达意思一样但是更加地道幽默。
    2. "气色好" You look fine不错, 如果你会用You are in the pink就妙得多。
    3. "他精力充沛" 美国人说 "he is bouncy"而不是"he is energetic"
    久仰 可以说 I get mind of you 比I heard a lot about you轻松多。
    4. 西方人分手时喜欢说 I will miss you 要比good lbey, see you 有趣。
    5. 别人征求你的意见时 你若说You can do that 未免有些土 用一句Do you have the time? 同样问人家名字说May I have your name?比 What's your name 礼貌。
    6. 要是别人问你的隐私 不要用It's my secret, don't ask such a personal question. 这样不太礼貌 你可以说
    I would rather say.还是别说吧。
    7. 当你想不起来要说什么时 你可以说 well... , let me see, just a moment 但如果你能用上It's on the tip of my tongue就更地道啦。
    8. 交谈中你要切换话题不要只会说by the way 还可以说 to change the subject, before I forget, mind you, while I remember.
    9.如果你不懂个什么问题 你问了老外 他告诉你后 然后你说I know的话很容易让人误会成你本来就知道还问人家。 最好说I got it 如果还是不懂可以说 I'm not clear about it. 要是你来一句 It's beyond me 或It's past my understanding. 会另人惊讶的哦。

    补充: That's gross 太恶心啦
    I'm stuffed我吃撑了
    I'm starving/ famished 我饿啦 如果你来句
    My stomach is protesting,I need something to make it happy.或者 I could eat a horse就显得幽默多
    keep it low 低调点
    spot on说得好
    put the cart before the horse本末倒置
    you're nitpicking 你太吹毛求疵了
    she dumped me她把我甩了
    she's too good for me/she is out of my league我配不上她
    what a bummer太失望了 don't let me down
    之前我有听一朋友对他父母说Don't expect too much from me, I'm just the average.
    表支持可以说 I will support you/ I will back you up
    / I'm on your side/ You can count on me.我可以依靠/ I am a phone call away我随叫随到/ I'll be here for you.
    我听过最感人的话就是在吸血鬼日记里克劳斯对卡络林说 He is your first love but I intend to be your last.

    For your reference only.
    love mofun

    1970-01-01   55赞       0踩       942浏览 评论(56)
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