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    今天带来的是华为5G宣传片:5G The Road To A Super Connected World




    5G is conceived for a super connected and super intelligent world. 5G will become a powerful technological platform inspiring many new applications, new business models and new industries. The road ahead is becoming clear, leading us to the 5G world. The driverless car of tomorrow will provide more agile and safer traffic circulation. 5G-enabled driverless cars will enable ultra-low latency communication between car, people and infrastructure, allowing them to operate smoothly over great distances without limitations. The mobile edge network based on 5G communication technology capable of 1ms latency could be provided by a roadside unit or base station.

    5G 为超级联接世界与智能世界而生。5G将作为强大的技术平台使能许多新的应用,商业模式甚至是行业。 前方的路已经逐渐清晰,,将带我们通往5G的世界。无人驾驶汽车将带来更便捷、更安全的交通。具备5G技术的无人驾驶汽车实现了基于超低时延的车与车、车与人、车与基础设施之间的交互。视野将无限放大。基于网络边缘计算的1ms时延5G无线通信技术可以在路边的基础设施上部署云端只能交通服务器。

    Driverless cars will communicate with others using these edge cloud nodes, synchronize their movements automatically. Spacing between cars, travelling speed and other statuses can be coordinated through efficient communication of vehicular motion and positioning over the ultra-low latency 5G network. 5G communication technology will be one of the key enablers of the future driverless world.


    Our world is filled with wonder. We are meant to see and experience so much more. With full view image technology and 10Gbps throughput provided by 5G communication, people can share what they see with family and friends in real time. Evolving communication technology will influence brand-new ways for us to work. In the near future, business transactions will fully incorporate the increased convenience of enhanced mobility. 5G based holographic imaging will be the standard for business communications and information sharing. Family reunions will no longer be limited by distance. Appreciating every important moment. The augmented reality technology enabled by 5G will make connecting with love ones a more vivid experience. The immersive virtually reality enables us to appreciate reunions whenever and where possible.


    Increasing crop cultivation on limited land is a persistent challenge. 5G can support massive connections. People will be able to accurately monitor the topography of the land, crop status and response time, increasing agricultural productivity and quality. In a future smart factory, the portable robot arm will perform flexible product line manufacturing based on a varying process with requirements for security, precision and efficiency. Future industrialization will require a 10ms detection cycle, 1ms control latency and massive cooperation, all of which will be enabled with 5G.


    Ongoing globalization stimulates the growing importance of the logistics and storage industries. A large port may handle millions of containers, moving billions of products with vast amounts of information. 5G technologies, with the capacity for massive connections, will provide E2E tracking, increasing efficiency and reducing costs dramatically. The doors to the future digital world have opened up, and we are only at the beginning of the journey.


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