• 小叶子0907     Learn English with BoJack Horseman

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Hello, everyone! Welcome to my channel!
    I always wanted to learn English from TV series with a group of people when being the vice president in the English club a year ago. At that time I chose BoJack Horseman, not only because it's a relatable animation, but also because every episodes is filmed within 25 minutes and it involves abundant slangs which are really worth mentioning! What's more, it provides vivid cases in real life and teaches us how to use pronunciation and intonation to convey our feelings in a certain situation. Even now I still believe it's the TV series of choice!

    So, why not we learn English while enjoying watching this fabulous TV series?

    ------------------------------TAPE 1😝----------------------------

    BoJack: Is it just me, or am I nailing this interview?
    I kind of feel like I'm nailing it!
    Host: Yes…

    Key points:
    1. Nail it.
    a. To succeed at something in a particularly impressive way.
    b. To do something perfectly or accurately. This phrase is often used humorously to describe failures.

    ------------------------------TAPE 2😆----------------------------

    This is a classic BoJack!!! I like his words, hilarious but make total sense!

    Todd: Morning, Sunshine.
    BoJack: ……
    Todd: Why so gloomy, roomie?
    BoJack: First of all, we're not roommates. You are my houseguest.
    Todd: Well, we don't need to put labels on things.
    BoJack: You sleep on my couch, and you don't pay rent. I've had tapeworms that were less parasitic. I don't even remember why I let you stay with me in the first place.
    Todd: Because my parents kicked me out, and I had nowhere to go. And even though you don't want anyone to know it …
    You secretly have a good heart!

    Key points:
    1. Morning, Sunshine.
    2. Why so gloomy, roomie?
    3. put labels on things
    it means to define someone or something as something.
    4. I've had tapeworms that were less parasitic.
    5. be kicked out.
    it means to force someone to leave a place or organization, usually family or school.

    ------------------------------TAPE 3🤩----------------------------

    So, this time Princess Carolyn is trying to break up with BoJack, let's see how "渣男" react to it. (I have no idea about translating "渣男" into English hahaha~)

    Princess Carolyn: Stop embarrassing me. That's Lenny Turteltaub.
    BoJack: You know, I'm not crazy about the bread here. Why do I keep eating it?
    Princess Carolyn: Bojack, can you please just listen for a second?
    BoJack: You have my undivided attention.
    Princess Carolyn: I think we should see other people.
    BoJack: Were we not seeing other people?

    Key points:
    1. I'm not crazy about the bread here.
    2. You have my undivided attention.
    3. Can you PLEASE ......
    4. See other people

    ------------------------------TAPE 4😃----------------------------

    BoJack: So yeah, technically I was dumped, but the real headline of the evening was, "dumb guy eats bread gets fat the end."
    Todd: What kind of headline is that?
    BoJack: Wasn't there a pizza here a second ago?
    God damn it! Stop the presses.
    Todd: You're not fat.
    Oh, hey, let's throw a party. That'll cheer you up.
    BoJack: No, it won't. It'll cheer you up.

    Key points:
    1. Technically......
    2. I was dumped.
    3. throw a party

    p.s. Try to mimic the tone, all the ups and downs, especially "What kind of headline is that?" and "Let's throw a party!"

    ------------------------------TAPE 5😘----------------------------

    BoJack: Are your other clients more talented than I am?
    Bojack: Your silence speaks volumns.
    Princess Carolyn: That was my intention~~~

    Key points:
    1. Your silence speaks volumns.
    2. Remember how we work together to do the dubbing? That was so funny😂. Yeah, I love that moment when you sang "That was my intention~"

    ------------------------------TAPE 6😜----------------------------

    BoJack: Okay, fine. We'll have a party.
    Todd: Oh, thank God.
    BoJack: But we're not getting a cotton candy machine. I can't control myself around those things.
    Todd: I totally hear what you're saying and I'll do my best.

    Key points:
    1. Todd is saying "Oh, thank God." with a huge relief!!!
    2. "I totally hear what you're saying" is much the same as "you have my words, I promise."

    ------------------------------TAPE 7🤤----------------------------
    This is a bonus scene, I guess.
    And, it's sad and dispirited. So, prepared yourself. If you happened to be very down, please don't take it seriously~ Go do some inspiring dubbing and cheer up!!

    BoJack: Sometimes I feel like I was born with a leak. Any goodness I started with just slowly spilled out of me and now it's all gone. And I'll never get it back in me.

    Sometimes I feel like I was in the characters' shoes and then all the emotions just like a flood, washing away the cheerful part of my life and I can not bear this. So I stopped watching BoJack Horseman right away. Here is a little reminder, just watch it from a distance, try not to let your emotions get involved too much, that way you're ready for this comedy-drama series.

    Thanks for watching!! If you LOVE this, drop a LIKE!!
    Thank you so much~
    See ya around!

    1970-01-01   7赞       1踩       1530浏览 评论(1)
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