• 斯密士     【斯密读英语晚读】EP99 原来文化人都这样夸女生。。

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    Can the Stars in the Sky Speak?


    A 6-year-old girl asked her mother, “Can flowers speak?”
    “Oh, my dearie, if flowers can’t speak, how lonely the spring is, who will look around it?” The little girl smiled with satisfaction.

    At the age of 16, the girl asked her father, “Can the stars in the sky speak?”
    “Oh, my daughter, if the stars can speak, the sky will be noisy, who will yearn towards the serene paradise?” The little girl smiled with satisfaction again.

    At the age of 26, the girl had become a full-blown female. One day she asked in private her husband, a diplomat, “Was the way I behave and spoke appropriate at the banquet last night?”
    “Great!” the diplomat had no intention of flattering, “When you spoke, it was like the tinkling spring or the melodious music; though you spoke so much, it was not unnecessary; when you were silent, you were like a fragrant lotus or an elegant crane; though quiet, it involved everything...Sweetheart, can you tell me how you cultivate yourself?”


    His wife said with a smile, “At the age of 6, I learned from my mother as a teacher how to dialogue with Nature. At the age of 16, i learned from my father as a writer when to speak and when not. Honey, I have also received thoughts, wisdom, courage, views and love from you !”

    1970-01-01   5赞       0踩       98浏览 评论(0)
男 入行配角lv19


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